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Doek Workshop – Eric Boeren

May 15
Workshop 11.00 -13.30 and 14.30 – 17.00

Doek has been offering a series of workshops at the wonderful Amsterdam venue, Splendor. The past few months we’ve had to cancel workshops because of corona regulations so we’re very excited that Eric will be able present this workshop Saturday. If you’ve been missing opportunities to work with other musicians, here’s your chance!

“In my workshop I would like to work with you on solo playing within a group context also known as collective improvisation. The situation, where individual players can combine the ability and willingness to adjust to other players and/or the audience with having strong musical ideas and the skills to perform them, can create the most beautiful music in the world. Roscoe Mitchell’s solo performance of Nonaah at the 1976 Willisau Festival is a nice example: he performed and developed a musical idea (that he had worked out beforehand) in front of a, at first, hostile audience. He eventually won them over.

This is the only recording I could find on YouTube:

Here is an interesting and rather thorough analysis of that particular performance by Paul Steinbeck.

In Saturday’s workshop I’d like to work with you on developing solo ideas and on incorporating those ideas into collective improvisation: in smaller groups, but also as a large ensemble.

I want you to prepare a 3 minutes solo piece and I want you to take a look at this Yusef Lateef exercise that I’d like to use as a large ensemble piece.”
Eric Boeren

The daylong workshop will comprise two sessions (11 – 13.30 and 14.30 – 17.00). Cost of the workshop is €20 and €15 for students. There is a maximum of 10 students per workshop. We will follow all COVID-19 regulations and precautions that apply at the time of the workshop.
If you are interested in taking part please send a short cv and motivation (1/2 page) and 1 mp3 or video representative of your music to .

Date Workshop leader*
June 05 Oscar Jan Hoogland
* subject to change