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Day 1 of the Festival: April 29 – Michael Moore Bigtet – Amsterdam

The California-born musician and Doek member Michael Moore combines the best of different worlds: the finesse of the American jazz tradition, the anarchy of New Dutch Swing and the interesting sounds of folk music from all over the globe.

His writing and playing are variously influenced – by music of other cultures such as the musics of Indonesia or Madagascar, as well as by poets and poetry, dancers and other visual artists.

At this years Doek Festival, Moore will be playing with one of his latest projects – the Michael Moore Bigtet. The group features younger musicians as well as established names from the Amsterdam jazz and improv scene.

After moving to Amsterdam in 1982, Moore has been engaged in various dance- theatre and music projects  and was honored with several prices, for example the Dutch jazz award. Since ’91 his activities as composer and performer have been documented both on his own recording label, Ramboy, and others including hatART, Palmetto, Gramavision, Between the Lines and Red Toucan. His playing and writing are to be heard on more than 80 CDs.


Michael Moore alto sax, clarinet

Eric Boeren cornet

Wolter Wierbos trombone

Giuseppe Doronzo baritone sax

Jorrit Westerhof guitar

Kaja Draksler piano

Arjen Gorter double bass

Han Bennink drums


venue: Bimhuis
start: 20:30 hr
ticket at the door: €20 / €17 (CJP, Studenten-, Stadspas)
Free for ‘We Are Public‘ members
Festival pass whole festival: €55