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Eddie and the Eagles: KOPIE

This time Eddie the Eagle Museum and Doek are presenting something exquisite, something that has never been done before, something new:

Thursday Februari 13th. 21:00 @ OT301.
With a real fat version of the Amsterdam Real Book! in spiegelbeeld:

John Dikeman sax
Michael Moore clarinet
Mikael Szafirowski guitar
Gerri Jaeger drums
Ernst Glerum bass
Onno Govaert drums
Oscar Jan Hoogland piano
Felicity Provan trumpet
Yedo Gibson sax

Of course we’ll put the tune Copycat by Sean Bergin on the setlist.…


2solos2 Wilbert de Joode & Nora Mulder @ Splendor


Eric Wilbert Nora

Sunday 16th February 15:00
Splendor Amsterdam “Nora Op Zondag”

Wilbert de Joode – double bass
Nora Mulder – piano

Can you move and be still at the same time? How much can you leave out? How important is the instrument’s physical aspect? Improvised and composed music – more about differences or more about similarities? Over these questions you could fill many books, hold days of symposia and have many a sleepless night. You could also put together a concert. Those who’ve heard satisfying answers to all these questions by the end of the programme are fortunate indeed!…