

I Hear a Smell- Ton Mijs’ Photo book

ihearaphotoTon Mijs has created a beautiful photo book to document the performance of I Hear a Smell from Doek Festival #12. This performance, created by Tobias Delius and Ciska Jansen, mixed sight, smell, sound and taste. This unique book, which is available as a limited edition print-on-demand, is available on Ton’s website here.…

Short Doek Survey

Doek target audience survey

Wouter Kooij, graduate student at Hogeschool van Amsterdam, has created a survey to try to understand the relationship between different experimental music organizations and their audiences and how this relationship is impacted by the various types of media and marketing used by said organizations. If you have a minute, please take the time to fill out this quick survey and help Wouter, as well as Doek as a whole, get a better idea of how we can reach our audience.…


Ada Rave plays Angels’ Share

Ada RaveAda Rave is next up to perform solo as part of Herbert Nouwens’ exhibition, Angels’ Share, in Westerpark on August 9. Ada will begin at 17:00 in front of the twin sculpture Angels’ Share which stands just west of Pacific Parc.

Ada Rave, originally from Argentina, moved to Amsterdam just over a year ago and immediately integrated into the improvised music community. Performing regularly throughout town, her saxophone playing shows a wealth of knowledge and technique ranging from a deep understanding of traditional jazz harmony as well as a variety of extended techniques all showcasing a beautiful, warm tone that can easily shift from the delicate to the robust.…


Doek @ Vondelpark/bunker – July 27 hosted by John Dikeman

Reife_und_grüne_Bhut_JolokiaBBQ @ Vondelpark 15:00
Fresh meat courtesy of Nicolas Chienteroli, Ada Rave and Mark Morse
And featuring the worlds hottest chilli: The Bhut Jolokia

Music @ Vondelbunker 21:00
Donné et Desirée
Dead Neanderthals
Dagora featuring Phil Wood

For the July edition of Doek @ XYZ we will be enjoying the summer sun in Vondelpark for an afternoon bbq followed by three amazing live acts at the Vondelbunker.

For the BBQ we have asked Argentinian power-couple Nicolas Chienteroli and Ada Rave to slow cook some meat in the proper Argentinian fashion.…


Saturday, July 19 – Wolter Wierbos solo Angels’ Share at Westergasfabriek

Herbert Nouwens SculptureThis Saturday Wolter Wierbos will be performing solo in Westergasfabriek as a part of Angels’ Share, a sculpture exhibition presenting the work of Herbert Nouwens. This exhibition features a different musical performance every Saturday until the final day of the exhibition on August 31.

Wolter Wierbos has toured throughout the world as a soloist. A brilliant improviser known for his spontaneity, these giant, metallic sculptures offer him the perfect point of departure for a voyage into the unknown. As was the case for the previous performances, Wolter will begin in front of the twin sculpture Angels’ Share at 17:00.…