
New Wave of (Dutch Heavy) Jazz

FrontThere has been a wealth of activity recently in the lowlands involving a number of groups focusing on the blurred lines between rock, punk and ecstatic jazz. Cactus Truck is just one example, and has joined a program of 4 Dutch bands billing themselves under the title New Wave of Dutch Heavy Jazz including the Dead Neanderthals, Donné et Desirée and Albatre. Their self released compilation CD has just come out and they will be celebrating the release with a concert at Jonosh in Asten-Heusden on March 27.…

Arakinema @ EYE with Oscar Jan Hoogland and Ab Baars

Tuesday 10 Feb 2015 19:30 @ EYE i.s.m Foam & St. Doek & Public
Nobuyoshi Araki: Arakinema
Live music: Ab Baars (tenorsax, clarinet, shakuhachi) Oscar Jan Hoogland (piano, electric clavichord)

alluring_hell_2008_c_nobuyoshi_araki_in_collaboration_with_galerie_alex_daniels_reflex_amsterdam06_0Araki started working on Arakinema, a slideshow of his images accompanied by live music, in 1986. The slideshows last approx. 20 minutes each. EYE will be screening three: Tokyo viewed from a cab in early morning ; his gorgeous model and dancer Kaori and, finally, his farewell to his beloved wife Yoko.…