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The Impro Train: Hupata! and Wilbert de Joode

Bimhuis and Doek Present:
The Impro Train
June 11, 2021
3 Sets at 19.00, 20.30 and 22.00

The Impro Train is back, baby!
Three sets by two ensembles. Go to one, go to them all, either way it’ll be a fabulous evening.

Saxophone, piano and percussion form the sound of Hupata!, alongside a wonky, wobbly, rickety, going hog wild wagon filled with toys, which transform and take shapes of birds, elephants, camels, taking you for a journey.…

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Doek Workshop – Eric Boeren

May 15
Workshop 11.00 -13.30 and 14.30 – 17.00

Doek has been offering a series of workshops at the wonderful Amsterdam venue, Splendor. The past few months we’ve had to cancel workshops because of corona regulations so we’re very excited that Eric will be able present this workshop Saturday. If you’ve been missing opportunities to work with other musicians, here’s your chance!

“In my workshop I would like to work with you on solo playing within a group context also known as collective improvisation.…

mother tongue

Mother Tongue – Molla Sylla voice/mbira/xalam, Oscar jan Hoogland electric clavichord and Frank Rosaly drums – recently recorded a great half hour piece in de Rode Bioscoop as part of the Amarte Concert Series. Enjoy watching the trio at work – we also recommend hooking up to some good speakers for real closed eyes listening pleasure.

Thanks to the Roode Bioscoop, to Isla van Hout for the production, to the camera people and to Marc Schots for  a more that fantasic recording.…

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Musicians Talk: Full Playlist

The first five episodes of Eric Boeren’s Musicians talk can be seen on the YouTube playlist above.
We hope to find funding to continue this series; in the meantime here’s plenty to stimulate your curiosity.

MUSICIANS TALK On tour, over dinner, in the car, in the train, at airports, during and after rehearsals, musicians don’t tend to talk much about music, but when they do you get to hear ins and outs that somehow never seem to surface in articles.

In several round table discussions, Eric Boeren spoke with musicians he has played with over the years.…

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Musicians Talk: Drums


Han Bennink, John Engels, Michael Vatcher and Frank Rosaly talk about playing along with records on newspapers and kitchen chairs, about lefthanded set ups and about tuning a snare drum. “Jo Jones always played with the snares off!”

On tour, over dinner, in the car, in the train, at airports, during and after rehearsals musicians don’t tend to talk much about music, but when they do you get to hear ins and outs that somehow never seem to surface in articles.…

nieuwe bestuursleden gezocht

Stichting Doek is op zoek naar twee enthousiaste kandidaten voor de functies van algemeen bestuurslid

Het bestuur van Stichting Doek bestaat op dit moment uit 5 onbezoldigde leden. Het bestuur houdt toezicht op het beleid van de Artistieke Commissie van Doek, op de algemene gang van zaken binnen de stichting en staat de coördinator van Doek met raad terzijde. Het bestuur richt zich op de belangen van de stichting, waarbij ze de inhoudelijke missie en visie van de stichting onderschrijft. Het bestuur vergadert 4 à 5 keer per jaar in Amsterdam en / of via video calls.…