
coming up in october

We all have to get used to getting out and about again. Here’s some October events to tempt you.

October 7: Kaja Draksler 8tet, AMOK festival, KAAP Brugge
October 15: Zea and Oscar Jan Hoogland, Moira Utrecht
October 17: LOOT, Holynote, Holysloot
October 23: Doek Impro workshop with Wilbert de Joode, Splendor Amsterdam
October 25: Impro Jam, De Ruimte Amsterdam
October 29: Eric Boeren, Marta Warelis, Mike Reid, Tomeka Reed et al, Ditdit-dada-ditdit, De Ruimte Amsterdam…

doek impro workshop with ada rave

Doek is presenting a series of impro workshops in Splendor. This Saturday 2 October Ada Rave will lead the workshop. Her approach: ‘In this workshop we will compose music together through spontaneous communication, working on expanding our palette of sounds and using it as material for improvisation. We will play with textural and formal ideas to let the music move through the space.’

The daylong workshop will comprise two sessions (11-13.30 and 15-17) followed by a presentation concert in the evening.…

doek impro workshops

Doek is organizing a series of workshops in Splendor in Amsterdam. Doek musicians are renowned for their skills and experience in the field of improvised music and they are keen to share their knowledge with you!

Photo: Maarten van der Kamp

The Doek approach to improvisation is not tied to any particular style, it’s about self-expression and drawing on musical experiences to create in the moment. The workshops will help you find your own improvisational voice and develop skills and insights around creativity, listening, concentration, memory, energy, intention, trust, respect, decision-making, risk-taking and responsibility.…

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Mofaya w Jaimie Branch and Luke Stewart Tour

14 Mofaya!, Jazz Blazzt, Heerlen
17 !Mof!aya! ft Luke Stewart Au Topsi Pohl, Berlin, DE
18 !Mof!aya! ft Luke Stewart with guest George Cremaschi, Punctum, Prague
19 ¡Mofaya! ft Jaimie Branch and Luke Stewart, Kulturforum Villach, Villach, AT
21 ¡Mofaya! ft Jaimie Branch and Luke Stewart, Jazz an einem Sommerabend, Krefeld, DE
22 !Mof!Aya! ft Luke Stewart, Troglobatem Festival, Stuttgart, DE
23 Mikael Szafirowski + !Mof!Aya, PARALLEL PATHWAYS, Duisburg, DE
24 !Mof!Aya!…

The impro Train – 22 july in Bimhuis

The Impro Train rides again on 22 July. Three sets:
19.00 Giuseppe Doronzo solo reeds | Mother Tongue – tickets here
20.30 Natalio Sued solo reeds | Mother Tongue – tickets here
22.00 Ab Baars solo reeds | Mother Tongue – tickets here

Or choose a concert package and hear all three soloists and see how Mother Tongue rises to the challenge (as they surely will) of presenting three different and equally exciting shows. …

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On Innovation and the Future of Music (and Art)

Interviews by Kaja Draksler

Available here, at Bandcamp

Peter Evans
Thanasis Deligiannis
Susana Santos Silva
Ab Baars
Gianluca Elia
Christopher Dell
Christian Lillinger

Szymon Gąsiorek: drawings
Maga Ćwieluch: graphic design and DTP

On Innovation and the Future of Music (and art) is a collection of interviews by Kaja Draksler and drawings by Szymon Gąsiorek. The seven conversations with musicians of different age, background and origin, took place between April and July 2020, mostly via email.
The artists talk about their ideas about the future of music and their relationship with the concept of innovation and legacy.…