

Dutch Impro Academy – August 23-29

happyhansmallThe Dutch Impro Academy is about to start off again this year featuring a top-notch faculty culled from the ICP Orchestra and Doek and the largest number of international participants ever. This year we will be collaborating with the Royal Conservatoire in Den Haag who will be hosting us for the week. There will be two performances concluding the Academy, one on August 27 in Den Haag at the wonderful venue De Nieuwe Regentes, followed by a performance in Amsterdam August 29 at the Bimhuis.…


BesteBuren logo Nederland and Flanders share a language. We share a border, but – as often happens with neighbours – we don’t meet up that often. That’s why 2015 is the year of BesteBuren, where we celebrate Flemish-Dutch creativity and cultural collaboration. Doek’s contribution to BesteBuren is the project Droom Duos, where we team Doek musicians with such interesting players as Fred van Hove, Bart Maris and Joachim Badenhorst. We’ll be presenting concerts in The Netherlands and in Belgium. First up is the Bimhuis on 18 September.…

Eddie and the Eagles – FIN DU SAISON

Russolo-IntonarumoEddie and the Eagles: my skin is still singing


Thursday July 2nd
21:00 – 8 euro

Facebook event


My skin is still singing:
Makiko Ito/Michael Schumacher, movement, Oscar Jan Hoogland, music, Ellen Knops, lights

4 of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities performed by Harald Austbø
4 Orchestras in 1: The Veenfabriek Siren Orchestra, The Phonograph Orchestra, The Paper Ensemble, The Synthworkshop, featuring
Paul Koek, Mola Sylla, Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti, Jasper Stadhouders, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Jochem van Tol, Genevieve Murphy, John van Oostrum, Ton van der Meer, Frank Rosaly.…

Doek @ Zaal 100 June 28

slide-wolter-wierbos2Doek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 28 June
20:00 – free entry!

Wolter Wierbos hosts trombone night

With Sam Kulik, Koen Kaptijn, Joost Buis, Salvoandrea Lucifora

Doek @ Zaal 100 is a monthly meeting place for music, discussion, art and drinks. For this edition Wolter Wierbos has brought together an exceptional crew of trombonists from around the world coming from both classical and jazz backgrounds. Some of them are based in the Netherlands, and a couple are just travelling though. Either way, this will be an unbelievable evening of trombone madness including improvisation, discussion over the music and the instrument, and since there are some doublers in the group, a few guitars might pop up as well.…

Doek Festival 2015

Doek Festival 2015 flyer

Doek meets Tri-Centric: improvisation & composition

June 2→7, 2015
Bimhuis and other Amsterdam venues

The Doek Festival has developed over the years into a significant event for improvised music. For the next edition, we’re collaborating with the Tri-Centric Foundation to present the music of one of the greatest living composers and improvisers, Anthony Braxton.…


The new Doek book, hot off the press

doekbookphotoDoek has just produced a book centred around Doek Festival 2015 featuring programme information, brief bios of the artists involved, essays by Kevin Whitehead and Ruud Kagie, a dialogue between Taylor Ho Bynum and Eric Boeren, Q&As between Kevin Whitehead and Carl Testa, Kaja Draksler, Tomeka Reid and Onno Govaert, a highlight on photographer in residence Sara Anke Morris and more. Edited by Kevin Whitehead and Carolyn Muntz with graphic design by Isabelle Vigier, it’s quite a handsome little publication, if we do say so ourself.…