

Sunday, May 14th, 13.30 (sharp: ferry departure time!) – 17.30

START: 13:30 at Azartplein ferry stop (KNSM island) or 13:30 at Zamenhofstraat ferry stop (Amsterdam North)

This year’s Amsterdam Bicycle Tour, curated by Kaja Draksler and Oscar Jan Hoogland, takes place in the open air: on the water, in the woods and meadows and on the picturesque Nieuwerdammerdijk, ending in the garden of a freshly squatted building. The musicians will be traveling along with, against, around and towards the biking audience.…


Available Jelly 40 years!

Believe it or not, Available Jelly is turning 40 this year! Hard to imagine this ensemble has been going so long, and sounds as fresh and inspired as ever. Originally a part of the Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe, a group of musicians, dancers and clowns, they first came to Europe to perform in the “Festival of Fools” in the 70s. Many of the musicians stayed on, including Michael Moore, Michael Vatcher and Gregg Moore. Gregg returned to the USA some time ago but we’re happy to say he will rejoin the band for this tour of the Netherlands.…

Teken de petitie

metaman-goldmund-ism-orkaterBelangrijke podiumkunstinstellingen worden in hun voortbestaan bedreigd. Ze maken de mooiste theaterstukken, dansvoorstellingen en concerten, begeleiden nieuw talent en enthousiasmeren kinderen voor cultuur. Wel goede plannen, geen budget. Alleen de politiek kan er nog voor zorgen dat ze blijven. Daarom hebben Kunsten ’92 en NAPK een petitie aan de Tweede Kamer gestart. Meer dan 8.000 mensen hebben de petitie ondertekend. Wil jij dat ook doen? Ga naar

Doek Festival 2016 – Amsterdam, Berlin, Chicago: Capitals of Improvisation

Doek Festival 2016: April 29 – May 4 Doek Festival presents bands and musicians from the flourishing improv scenes in Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago.

An action-packed six days with music, film & dance all over town: Bimhuis, Spinhuis, De Ruimte, Zaal 100, Plantagedok, De Ceuvel, Oedipus Brewery, Broedplaats Fenix, Maakland, Schellingwouderkerk and Korzo The Hague (on April 28).
Check out the festival calendar!…

Eddie and the Eagles @ DE RUIMTE

Eddie and the Eagles: at the new DE RUIMTE

Thursday January 7th
21:00 – 8 euro


958186ef55d52265819c388ba2f95A new place. A new place. A new place. Always moving forward. This almost sounds familiar. It is not the first time that we find De Ruimte at a new space. It’s not the first time we find the Eddie the Eagle museum at a new space. It’s not the first time we find Doek at a new space!…

EYE on Art: Time, forwards! Soviet Constructivist Cinema feat. ZEA!


Tuesday September 15

ZEA’s website

Time, forwards! Soviet Constructivist Cinema
with live music by Arnold de Boer (ZEA/The Ex) guitar and electronics

An evening on constructivism and films from the Soviet Union – from the beginnings of the artists’ group LEF in the wake of the Russian Revolution to the period after 1965 when these industrial aesthetics were again invoked.
Sviridov’s orchestral suite ‘Time, Forwards’ provided the basis for this ‘revival’ of constructivism. It is one of the emblematic music pieces from the Soviet era and became a sort of calling card for the USSR.…