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Ambush Party – Circus LP Release Party Nov 1

Circus LP Release Party
November 1 @ Plantage Dok
dinner 18:30, concert 20:30
Featuring live artwork by Theo Tomson

“Faithful to its name and to the circus life, The Ambush Party delivers a wild, engaging ride. ****”

Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz

The Ambush Party has released their second album, Circus, on Platenbakkerij. While the CD has been out for a couple months the LP is fresh off the press and they are celebrating with a huge night at Plantage Dok.…

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Bakfietsband and Eric Boeren play the closing of Angels’ Share

Bakfietsband – A musical mini portrait from Carambolas Films on Vimeo.

This summer has featured a wonderful series of Saturday afternoon performances at Westerpark as part of Herbert Nouwens’ sculpture exhibition, Angels’ Share. Sadly, this Sunday, it comes to a close. For the final installment we are happy to have the totally unique Bakfietsband performing as well as cornet master Eric Boeren.

This week the performance will take place Sunday afternoon, August 31, starting at 17:00. The meeting point will be in front of the twin sculpture just west of Pacific Parc.…

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Wilbert de Joode – solo in your backyard*

Wilbert de JoodeThis Saturday 23 August, Wilbert de Joode will be performing solo in Westerpark as part of the series of musical performances interacting with the excellent sculpture exhibition of Herbert Nouwens’ – Angels’ Share. If you’ve been following these performances you’ve seen everything from Available Jelly performing their repertoire with guest bass saxophonist Jan Klare, pianist Oscar Jan Hoogland dropping a piano on the concrete (I believe it’s still there) and hacking away at its innards with forks and numb-chucks, to Michael Vatcher enticing his audience to play along with numerous bits of percussion thrown here and there or even a completely soaked John Dikeman squealing on his mouthpiece while biking through the park for an audience of no-one (I guess you didn’t see that one).…

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Doek @ OT – March 12 Lean Left vs Cactus Truck

March 12 @ OT301.
The first time Cactus Truck played together was almost 4 years ago when they met up at Zaal 100 to “try playing as loud and fast as possible, just to see what happens.” That night, they went to hear Lean Left perform at Occii and realized they had a lot of work to do….

“Lean Left are a lethal combination of radical commitment, sonic intensity and breathtaking fluency from four musicians who, between them, have rarely strayed from the outermost borders of jazz and punk… The density, clarity and balance maintained throughout the two sets was a breathtaking reminder that this stormy, industrial territory is where many of the most pressing questions are asked of the structure and content of jazz today.”…