

Sunday at De Ruimte

Marta Warelis – piano
Frank Rosaly – drums
Aaron Lumley – bass
John Dikeman – saxophone

Hot off the press, this debut recording will be released digitally and as a CD this Friday in time for Bandcamp free Friday. Check Doek RAW on bandcamp. Featuring photography by Sara Morris.
Sunday at De Ruimte was recorded last year during the Doek LIVE! Festival. A tour of the Netherlands was expected this winter, thanks in part to the Balcony Scenes fund by the Fonds Podiumkunsten.…


The Impro Train: Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo

Last fall Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink released an excellent album of their long standing duo, Goede Reis, on ICP Records. This March they performed with the duo at the Bimhuis as part of our collaborative series, The Impro Train. No audience was allowed, but cameras were. Watch the two cruise, splatter, jip and flrp over compositions of Misha Mengelberg, Thelonious Monk, Paul Termos, and Cor Fuhler, as well as some originals and fully improvised pieces. …and swing, they also swing!…


Doek LIVE! Images Part 1 Cristina Marx

Doek Festival LIVE! presented numerous challenges for us as an organization but we are very proud that we were able to present a wide variety of fantastic live music in a responsible way. The festival was smaller, and not as many people traveled from abroad to perform or attend, but the spirit was soaring among those who were there.
Here’s a collection of images from the festival, shot by members of the audience.
Part 1 features photography of our dear friend Cristina Marx, #Photomusix.…


DOEK Festival 2020 – Doek LIVE!

Yes folks, there will be a LIVE Doek Festival this year! There are limited audience numbers and you need to book in advance – so don’t delay! De Warme Winkel, in collaboration with De Brakke Grond, have created a special performance space, the Peepshow Palace. Every night at 22:30, from 28 – 31 July, you can see a Doek band from your own special cabin. At the Bimhuis we have two special concerts on Saturday 1 August. Only 61 seats available, so get in early.…

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New Releases on Doek RAW

Doek RAW has just released 3 new digital albums all featuring photography of Sara Anke Morris.

Ada Rave Trio
Live at Zaal 100
Ada Rave – saxophone, clarinet, objects
Nicola Hein – prepared guitar
Wilbert de Joode – bass

John Dikeman, Hamid Drake
Live in Chicago

John Dikeman – saxophone
Hamid Drake – drums

Sylla | Hoogland | Rosaly
Tea Spoon Suite

Mola Sylla – voice, m’bira, xalam, percussion
Oscar Jan Hoogland – electric clavichord
Frank Rosaly – drums, percussion…

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Space is the Place – Valentine edition

Friday 14 February
Space is the Place featuring Doek / The 2nd Stop is Jupiter
Valentine’s edition
curated by Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti

21:00 – 03:00 @ De Ruimte
€ 6 – 18 sliding scale entrance

This edition is all about the DUO universe, that expands and contracts. Those one-on-one meetings which relentlessly shake our hearts. Lovers, ex lovers, wanna be lovers and 5th dimensional lovers, will be playing all night long. Welcome to this wondrous serenade!

Arthur van Beek & Ank Daamen Kunstenaar – Visual arts

DUO – Songs
Eef Van Breen (compositie, trumpet, voice)
Eva Tebbe (Harp, voice)…