

Doek Composes – A Bunch of Little Gestures by Jasper Stadhouders

Doek composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska.

“I wrote a series of little musical phrases and gestures with space for improvisation in between, around, underneath, above, throughout. A way to approach the piece is seeing it as a dialogue between the improviser and the composed elements in the score, which ideally trigger a certain way of improvising.…


Doek Composes – Emptier by Michael Moore

Doek composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska.

“Emptier was written after hearing news of Cor Fuhler’s passing. The title refers to both how life is during the Covid-19 pandemic and how it is without Mr. Fuhler.
It’s sappy, I know, and Cor would have hated it, but I remain true to myself, as Cor always was.”

Doek Composes
One of the main pillars of Doek is how improvising musicians deal with composed musical elements.…


Happy New Year! Doek Guest Compilation

Happy New Year everyone!
Let’s celebrate with a new album in the Doek Composes series. This is the first of a series of guest compilations where we invite musicians from all over the world to perform the pieces from previous editions. Compositions of Eric Boeren, Kaja Draksler and John Dikeman are performed by Michael Foster, Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti, Gianluca Elia, Alexander Hawkins, Marta Arpini, Jodi Gilbert, Frans Petter Eldh, Ava Mendoza, Jaap Blonk, Greg Ward, John Hughes, Jeb Bishop, Martin Küchen.…


Doek Composes – Don’t Look by John Dikeman

Doek composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska.

Doek composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska.

“please sight read this piece.
Do not look at the following pages.
Print on double sided paper.
Ideally, you probably want to start playing
before turning this page.

This is the text on the cover page of the piece Don’t Look and it contains the only important instruction: don’t look at the material before you start recording it.…