

Swimming to Zaal out now on Doek RAW

A fantastic new release on Doek RAW, Swimming to Zaal was improvised at one of Zaal 100’s famous Tuesday night concerts byJasper Stadhouders, Nora Mulder, Aaron Lumley and Onno Govaert. The purest stereo recording by Aaron Lumley gives you a great representation of what this ensemble actually sounded like in the room. Photography by Sara Anke Morris.…

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Dikeman, Vicente, Parker, Drake tour in July

photo Vera Marmelo
John Dikeman, Luis Vicente, William Parker and Hamid Drake will be on the road again in July. The trio Dikeman, Parker, Drake has existed since 2014 when John Dikeman invited them to join him for the Doek Festival. Since then they have released a number of albums and toured throughout Europe. As part of a tour in 2019, Luis Vicente joined the group for a number of dates in Portugal creating this quartet and the album Goes Without Saying, but It’s Got to Be Said on the Portuguese JACC Records.…

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!Mof!Aya! tours in February!


15 With guests Peter Ajtai and Balazs Pandi, Lumen, Budapest, Hungary
16 With Luke Stewart, Grand Cafe, Szeged, Hungary
17 With Marina Džukljev and Luke Stewart, KC Lab, Novi Sad, Serbia
18 With Luke Stewart, DIM, Belgrade, Serbia
19 With Luke Stewart, Cafe-Restaurant Jazzgalerie, Nickelsdorf, Austria
21 Scena Supernova, Krakow, Poland
22 Cyrk Pod Zielonym Xiężycem, Łódź, Poland
23 TBA, Poznan, Poland
24 Sowieso, Berlin, Germany
25 With John Hughes, B-Movie, Hamburg, Germany…

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Mofaya w Jaimie Branch and Luke Stewart Tour

14 Mofaya!, Jazz Blazzt, Heerlen
17 !Mof!aya! ft Luke Stewart Au Topsi Pohl, Berlin, DE
18 !Mof!aya! ft Luke Stewart with guest George Cremaschi, Punctum, Prague
19 ¡Mofaya! ft Jaimie Branch and Luke Stewart, Kulturforum Villach, Villach, AT
21 ¡Mofaya! ft Jaimie Branch and Luke Stewart, Jazz an einem Sommerabend, Krefeld, DE
22 !Mof!Aya! ft Luke Stewart, Troglobatem Festival, Stuttgart, DE
23 Mikael Szafirowski + !Mof!Aya, PARALLEL PATHWAYS, Duisburg, DE
24 !Mof!Aya!…


Doek Composes – Silence by Wilbert de Joode

Doek composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska.

Doek Composes
One of the main pillars of Doek is how improvising musicians deal with composed musical elements. When the world was struck by the corona virus and all of us were asked to isolate ourselves as much as possible, we thought: what can we do to perpetuate our music and still share it with our audience and each other?…


Doek Composes – Timbrical Reflections by Ada Rave

Doek composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska.

TIMBRAL REFLECTION is a sound poem, a little excuse to arouse the reflection of the movement inside one sound.

Doek Composes
One of the main pillars of Doek is how improvising musicians deal with composed musical elements. When the world was struck by the corona virus and all of us were asked to isolate ourselves as much as possible, we thought: what can we do to perpetuate our music and still share it with our audience and each other?…