Author: doek

doek festival 2016 a resounding success

The Doek ABC Festival is over. It was wonderful, thanks to the great musicians, dancers, venues, cooks, photographers, filmers, techies, volunteers, drivers and – last but certainly not least – thanks to all the people who turned out in great numbers to listen, watch and enjoy. We’ll be posting films, photos and more in the coming weeks, in the meantime here’s a few nice memories (photos by Beata Szparagowska).

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Photos of Day 4 by Beata Szparagowska.

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Musicians and public had a great day yesterday exploring new compositions by Jasper Stadhouders, Joshua Abrams, Michael Moore, Keefe Jackson and Matiss Cudars.

Today the Doekompose band, featuring festival musicians from Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago, is working on pieces by Lucio Tasca, Christian Lillinger, Mirko Montaldi, Kaja Draksler and Eric Boeren.
You can hear the results at 17:00 in the big room at Zaal 100.
Join us for dinner from 18:00 – 20:00 and then:
At 20:30
ABC 5tet – special festival line-up
Kaja Draksler piano, John Dikeman tenor sax, Jeb Bishop trombone, Antonio Borghini bass.…


Sunday 1 May 13:30 – 18:30 + 20:30 – 21:30
The now renowned Doek Festival Real Book Bicycle Tour is on again tomorrow, from 13:30 until 18:30, followed by an extra special concert at 20:30. True to this year’s theme, we feature composers and musicians from Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago playing in various ensembles in five surprising locations in Amsterdam North. Read on for the full program, tour user’s guide and ticket information:

Tickets can be purchased at any of the venues or online here.…

Club 100 – curated by Kaja Draksler

DrakslerClub100 Doek member Kaja Draksler curates Club 100
Wednesday 30 March

Kaja: I think this is going to be my first time playing classical music in public. With real pros!
Very much looking forward to this Wednesday (8PM!). Improvisations, compositions, dance, music theatre, folklore, classical, improvised, new and old music…

– Kusuda/Hewitt
Kenzo Kusuda- dance/ James Hewitt- baroque violin, dance
– Matīss Čudars
solo guitar
– Silova/ Heyndels
Elina Silova- voice/ Lennart Heyndels- bass
– Belle Di Mai: Travelling Voices
Alice Casarosa, Irene Raminga Rametta- voice
-For soprano, violin, and piano • M.…

Countdown to Doek Festival 2016

Doek ABC Festival


Capitals of Improvisation

April 29th / May 4th

This year’s Doek festival will present bands and musicians who typify the flourishing improv scenes in Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago. It will be an action packed six days with music, film and dance all over town.

© Christian Lillinger, Berlin, 2015, Florian Fritsch

Let’s tell you a bit more about…..

Day 1 of the festival: April 29

At the Bimhuis these three bands will be playing

From Amsterdam Michael Moore Bigtet
Michael Moore, alto sax
Eric Boeren, clarinet
Wolter Wierbos, trombone
Giuseppe Doronzo baritone sax
Jorrit Westerhof, guitar
Kaja Draksler, piano
Arjen Gorter, double bass
Han Bennink, drums

From Berlin Hyperactive Kid
Philipp Gropper, saxophone
Ronny Graupe, guitar
Christian Lillinger, drums

and Chicago based These Things Happen
Keefe Jackson, tenor sax
Oscar Jan Hoogland, piano
Josh Abrams, double bass
Mikel Avery, drums

venue: Bimhuis
start: 20:30 hr
ticket at the door: €20 / €17 (CJP, Studenten-, Stadspas)
Free for ‘We Are Public‘ members
Festival pass whole festival: €55…

big fun in the big town – doek @ zaal

Big Fun in the Big TownSunday 29 November
Zaal 100
20:00 Free!
The last edition of DOEK@Zaal100 for this year focuses on the community around the various creative musical approaches within the Amsterdam music scene and introduces a website project tightly connected to this scene.
With the participation of several curators and organisers from the scene the evening begins with short self-introductions and discussion sessions with focus on the working mechanisms, changes and developments within the community.
We’ll then show Big Fun in the Big Town, a great film about another music scene – the hip hop scene in New York in the mid 80s.…