Arakinema @ EYE with Oscar Jan Hoogland and Ab Baars

Tuesday 10 Feb 2015 19:30 @ EYE i.s.m Foam & St. Doek & Public
Nobuyoshi Araki: Arakinema
Live music: Ab Baars (tenorsax, clarinet, shakuhachi) Oscar Jan Hoogland (piano, electric clavichord)

alluring_hell_2008_c_nobuyoshi_araki_in_collaboration_with_galerie_alex_daniels_reflex_amsterdam06_0Araki started working on Arakinema, a slideshow of his images accompanied by live music, in 1986. The slideshows last approx. 20 minutes each. EYE will be screening three: Tokyo viewed from a cab in early morning ; his gorgeous model and dancer Kaori and, finally, his farewell to his beloved wife Yoko. Cinema 2 will transform into an ‘Araki bar’ with projections on various screens, live music from Ab Baars and Oscar Jan Hoogland and food, including Japanese snacks and sake. With an introduction by Zippora Elders, curator at Foam. An evening of enervating slides in collaboration with Foam that has dedicated an exhibition to his work which is equal parts vulgar and moving. Araki, first started working on Arakinema, a slideshow of his images accompanied by live music in 1986.
Nobuyoshi Araki (Tokyo, 1940) is without doubt one of the most famous contemporary Japanese artists. Since the start of his career in the mid-1960s he has taken tens of thousands of photos.

His inexhaustible creativity is exemplified by the high number of photography books he has published (well over 450). Araki’s work is personal, incidental, random, lusty, erotic, anarchic, moving, vulgar and sentimental. The cumulative effect is overwhelming. Araki is known for his seemingly distant shots of Kinbaku, the Japanese form of bondage. The name means ‘the art of tight tying’. At the same time, his work is also very intimate and personal, often relating to his hometown Tokyo and memories of his marriage to Yoko who died in 1990. Only by using the lens to distance himself can the artist deal with reality and reconcile life and death. (Foam)