all ellington at work

Horns All Ellington – Joost Buis, Jimmy Sernesky, Eric Boeren
This week All Ellington – Jodi Gilbert vocals, Mo van der Does alto sax/clarinet, Natalio Sued tenorsax, Giuseppe Doronzo baritone sax, Jimmy Sernesky trumpet, Eric Boeren cornet, Joost Buis trombone, Oscar Jan Hoogland piano, Wilbert de Joode bass, Frank Rosaly drums – are in Jazzcase Dommelhof in Neerpelt, Belgium for a 4 day residency. All Ellington was founded by Eric Boeren in 2012 with the intention of exploring well-known and minder well-known pieces by the legendary band leader Duke Ellington. As in Ellington’s orchestra, respect for the orginal compositions goes hand in hand with the individuality and inventiveness of the band memebers. During the residency they dive deep into the music, and look at ways of utilizing the band members’ formidable improvisational talents to give the music a new lease of life.
You can hear the results of their intensive work week during one of these concerts:
21 september 2017 Dommelhof, Neerpelt (B)
26 september 2017 Zaal 100, Amsterdam
17 oktober 2017, Zaal 100, Amsterdam
21 november 2017, Zaal 100, Amsterdam
16 december 2017, Plusetage, Baarle Nassau
31 december Bimhuis, Amsterdam