
Doek is a collective of improvisers creating opportunities for experimentation, research and performance. Doek musicians share attitudes toward tactics, references, ancestors and antecedents in improvisation and push the musical practice forward in their many groups and ad hoc combinations. Through initiating, organising and financing concerts, projects, tours and a yearly festival, Doek has become a central platform for improvisation. As a partner to established or emerging venues and organisations Doek exposes a broad public to a vibrant world of improvisation.

Doek received structural support from the Fonds Podumkunsten (Performing Arts Fund) from January 2000 until December 2020. We are now dependent on project subsidies and public donations. So your donation is very welcome. See button below.


Stichting DOEK
G.J. Scheurleerweg 76
1022KL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Artistic Commission

Eric Boeren –
John Dikeman –
Oscar Jan Hoogland –
Wilbert de Joode –
Michael Moore –
Ada Rave –
Jasper Stadhouders –
Marta Warelis –
Wolter Wierbos –


Ay Mey Lie
Gunther Barten
Loes van Driel
Floris Schuiling


Colin McLean –
Isabelle Vigier

ANBI and Reports

Stichting Doek has an ANBI status.
RSIN 8094.48.282
Samenvatting Beleidsplan 2024-2028
Jaarverslag Stichting Doek 2023
Doek Jaarrekening 2023