Kaja Draksler – La Mia Bocca
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La Mia Bocca
The mixtape features some of my favourite vocal music. There are pieces from the contemporary classical music repertoire, such as “XII”, from Psalms of Repentance, a beautiful mixed choir work by Alfred Schnittke- this is the last and the longest psalm, part of an hour long sequence. I included two of the Recitations for solo voice, an intriguing work by the Greek composer Georges Aperghis. Another contemporary piece in the mix is A-Ronne, a brilliant composition by Luciano Berio, full of wit and spirit. Mirabile Misterium is written by Slovenian renaissance composer Jacobus Gallus Petelin. I fell in love with this particular piece about 15 years ago, used it in an arrangement written for my octet. I did so as well with Handel’s Dominus A Dextris Tuis, with which I have been obsessed ever since my friend Thanasis showed me this exact recording in the gorgeous interpretation of Andrew Parrott. I included two very special traditional music choir pieces, one from Tahiti and one from Bulgaria. Streifenjunko is the only non-vocal group in my Mixtape. They have two mesmerising albums out so far and they are based in Oslo. Also from Norway, Stian Westerhus and Sidsel Endresen, whose duo is really strong in the language and use of sound. And… I could not miss the absolute queen, Nina Simone, The High Priestess of Soul. Enjoy!
Kaja Draksler