The Market, redux at Space is the Place
Friday, January 10, 21:00
21:00 – 03:00 pay what you can/want on a sliding scale from €6 – €18
De Ruimte
Doek Festival’s The Market Returns!
A recap of last Doek festival’s The Market: Bazaar, with compositions by Cor Fuhler, Michael Moore, Eric Boeren, Harald Austbø, Kaja Draksler, Jasper Stadhouders, John Dikeman and Oscar Jan Hoogland.
Line-up: Ada Rave, Eric Boeren, Harald Austbø, Jasper Stadhouders, Michael Moore, Michael Vatcher, Oscar Jan Hoogland, Wilbert de Joode, Wolter Wierbos.
This special Bazaar edition of Space is The Place ft Doek /2nd Stop is Jupiter features a stellar line-up, tons of live music (and live stallholders!) and surprise DJs. Look out for future editions in De Ruimte every second Friday of the month!