No subsidy for Doek despite positive advice
Unfortunately the current total budget for performing arts in the Netherlands is at such a low level that even positively judged organisations do not receive funding as a matter of course. Doek is one such organisation. This brings to an end sixteen years of structural subsidy that has provided us with essential support for the continuity and development of improvised music in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and much further afield.
Over the last 15 years more than 270 musicians have presented 1.354 concerts for 151,649 listeners at diverse venues and festivals in the Netherlands and numerous other countries. This has contributed to the flourishing impro scene in the Netherlands and to Amsterdam’s worldwide recognition as one of the capitals of improvisation. With the withdrawal of structural subsidy the support falls away that gave the collective its strength and guaranteed its continuity. This will have tangible consequences for the Dutch impro scene.
Luckily the minister for Education, Culture and Science recognizes the problems that have arisen in the entire cultural sector as a result of the cuts. She has promised to do her utmost to increase the money for culture in the national budget to be brought down on Tuesday 20 September. We sincerely hope that she is successful and that Doek’s positive judgment will be matched with subsidy. But whatever the outcome, Doek will continue to work for the development, promotion and dissemination of improvised music.
We hope that you will continue to support us in that endeavour.
The Doek board
Babette Greiner
Jappe Groenendijk
Lena Vizy
Malaya Zumel