Dream duos: Beste Buren

BesteBuren logo b - url en payoffFor the project Droom Duo’s, Doek musicians team up with Belgian improvisers to play duo concerts in the Netherlands and Belgium. Look out for concerts in the coming few months by such duos as Wolter Wierbos/Kris Defoort; Oscar Jan Hoogland/Teun Verbruggen; Eric Boeren/Bart Maris and Wilbert de Joode/Fred Van Hove.

27/1 Oscar Jan Hoogland/Teun Verbruggen, De Singer, Rijkevorsel, Belgium
03/2 Eric Boeren/Joachim Badenhorst, De Singer, Rijkevorsel, Belgium
10/2 Michael Moore/Fred Van Hove, De Singer, Rijkevorsel, Belgium
12/2 Kaja Draksler/Lennart Heyndels, BRAND!NL Festival, Kathedraal, Mechelen, Belgium
12/2 Eric Boeren/Wilbert de Joode/Teun Verburggen, BRAND!NL Festival, CCM, Mechelen, Belgium
18/2 Michael Moore/Bart Maris, Citadelic@SMAK Museum, Gent, Belgium
18/2 Fred Van Hove/Wilbert de Joode; Oscar Jan Hoogland/Joachim Badenhorst; Kris Defoort/Wolter Wierbos, Bimhuis, Amsterdam
26/2 Fred Van Hove/Eric Boeren; Kris Defoort/Wolter Wierbos, De Werf, Bruges, Belgium

“The Dutch and the Flemish are beste buren (good neighbors). We both speak the same language and we live right next to each other, yet, as neighbors often do, we get together far too rarely. This is a pity as we have so much to offer each other, now and into the future. That is why we have named this the year of BesteBuren, a year to highlight Dutch-Flemish cultural and artistic collaboration.”