Doek Festival 2015 : June 2

Tuesday, June 2

Open rehearsals

‘musical espionage’ at Zaal 100
During the first two days of the Doek festival the musicians will be diving into the improvisational laboratory, discovering each other’s musical language and playing together in various line-ups.
How do improvising musicians rehearse? How do they work with composition and improvisation? Find out during open rehearsals at Zaal 100.

Entry Free

12:00 → 13:30 at Zaal 100

Open rehearsal

-A new piece by Eric Boeren will be rehearsed by Wilbert de Joode, Carl Testa, Kaja Draksler, Mary Halvorson, Michael Vatcher, Mary Oliver, Tomeka Reid, Vincent Chancey, Nate Wooley, Taylor Ho Bynum, Eric Boeren and Michael Moore.

-A new piece by Michael Moore will be rehearsed by John Dikeman, Oscar Jan Hoogland, James Fei, Ingrid Laubrock, Onno Govaert, Brandon Seabrook and Michael Moore.

Entry Free

14:30 → 16:00 at Zaal 100

Open rehearsal

-All musicians will rehearse a piece by Taylor Ho Bynum.

Entry Free

17:00 at OBA (central public library)

Talk by Anthony Braxton

Anthony Braxton and some of his long-time collaborators will discuss the basic principles behind the Tri-Centric music system Braxton has spent the last five decades developing. Describing his work as “navigation through form”, Braxton’s revolutionary approach combines composition, improvisation, and intuition in creating a constantly evolving musical world that has inspired and influenced generations of musicians and creative thinkers worldwide.

This talk is part of a series initiated by the Bimhuis in Theater van ’t Woord, on the 7th floor of the OBA (Oosterdokkade). The talks feature music and stories by renowned musicians and are aimed at music lovers, musicians, students and Bimhuis and OBA visitors.

Entry €10

18:00 → 20:00 at Zaal 100

Indonesian vegetarian dinner for musicians and public

Dinner €8 (not included in festival pass)

20:30 at Zaal 100


A musical round-up of the day’s rehearsals with discussions and interviews led by Kevin Whitehead. Line-ups of various sizes and instrumentation featuring both Doek and Tri-Centric musicians.

Entry €8