
Constellation 100 on tour

Greg Ward alto sax
Eric Boeren cornet
Jason Adasiewicz vibraphone
Wilbert de Joode bass
Mike Reed drums

25 March Ort, Wuppertal
26 March JazzCase Dommelhof, Neerpelt
28 March Bimhuis, Amsterdam
29 March L’Archiduc, Brussels, Belgium
01 April Mullbau, Lucerne, Switzerland
02 April Blue Tomato, Vienna, Austria
03 April Alte Gerberei, St. Johan, Austria

A new ensemble for listeners, but one with a considerable history for the musicians themselves. Constellation 100 is a continuation of the intensive contact between the Amsterdam and Chicago progressive music scenes, in Doek’s case particularly with the post-Ken Vandermark generation – Mike Reed, Nate McBride, Jason Adasawiecz, Greg Ward, Dave Rempis, Josh Berman et al – who now congregate at Mike Reeds’ Chicago club Constellation. Mike, Jason and Greg play together in various formations, including Loose Assembly and Living by Lanterns. Eric and Wilbert have a long history together in Eric Boeren 4tet, All Ellington and a host of ad hoc ensembles. Sun Rooms (Reed, Adasawiecz, McBride) guested at Doek’s annual impro festival. Cross-Atlantic collaborations include guest appearances from Eric Boeren in Loose Assembly and Sun Rooms (Bimhuis), the band NEWS (Boeren, Cor Fuhler, Nate McBride, Mike Reed), an All Ellington edition in Chicago, performances by Jason Adasiewicz in Boerenbond and numerous ad hoc line-ups in both Chicago and Amsterdam.

This particular quintet first played in Chicago in 2013 and have reunited for a European tour. They play compositions by all group members and bring the particular aesthetics and traditions of both cities to bear on the material and ensuing improvisations. Sound-wise this group resembles early sixties Dolphy and Booker Little outfits. For energy, precision, playfulness and aesthetics this group is hinting at Charles Mingus. But do bear in mind they also listened to John Kirby. And the Art Ensemble Of Chicago is no stranger to them either.