Doek @ zaal 100 March 29 – George Hadow and Yuan Liu
Doek @ Zaal 100
Sunday 29 March
20:00 – free entry!
George Hadow
Yuan Liu
This month Doek has invited two wonderful artists to curate our monthly Doek @ Zaal night: percussionist George Hadow and visual artist, filmmaker Yuan Liu.
Featuring musical performances – Raoul van der Weide solo
George Hadow, Onno Govaert, Michael Vatcher percussion trio
“Biomaterial Screen Projection will include revamped YL special stock footage starring Saira M Huff Gea Philes Dominika Em Jessica Pavone Josh Hydeman Ava Mendoza Mark DeWitt Will Graefe Jeremy Gustin and hopefully in time for Aaron Lumley and Jasper Stadhouders” Yuan Liu