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Bakfietsband and Eric Boeren play the closing of Angels’ Share

Bakfietsband – A musical mini portrait from Carambolas Films on Vimeo.

This summer has featured a wonderful series of Saturday afternoon performances at Westerpark as part of Herbert Nouwens’ sculpture exhibition, Angels’ Share. Sadly, this Sunday, it comes to a close. For the final installment we are happy to have the totally unique Bakfietsband performing as well as cornet master Eric Boeren.

This week the performance will take place Sunday afternoon, August 31, starting at 17:00. The meeting point will be in front of the twin sculpture just west of Pacific Parc. However, don’t expect the musicians to stay in one place too long. The Bakfietsband is exactly what it sounds like… a band on a bakfiets. They will be biking around Westerpark while performing. Eric Boeren, being bipedal, has his own means of meandering amongst the artwork.

De Bakfietsband

a band inside a bakfiets (dutch transport bike): music, text and wheels.
Jochem van Tol – drums
Oscar Jan Hoogland – piano
Jappe Groenendijk – alt sax
Harald Austbø – cello