Muzzix meets Doek

Muzzix meets Doek

June 28 – 30, La Malterie, Lille
July 1 Roze Tanker, Amsterdam  concert starts 20.00
July 2 Open rehearsal at Zaal 100 from 17:00
July 3 Oude Lutherse Kerk  concert starts 15:00

For this first improvised and musical meeting of members of the Doek and Muzzix (Lille) collectives, six musicians will play 3 concerts in Lille, with different line-ups each evening. The 3 evenings of concerts in France will be followed by a return leg in the Netherlands.

Since 2013, Muzzix has been seeking European and international collaborations, bringing together musicians from different ensembles to explore each other’s musical worlds. Featuring varying combinations of people and instruments, these encounters are both human and musical, but above all opportunities for improvisation and experimentation.

The Muzzix collective will be represented by three hyper-active improvisers: Sakina Abdou, David Bausseron and Peter Orins.

Ada Rave (saxophone),  John Dikeman (saxophone), Oscar Jan Hoogland (piano, keyboard, surprise!),  Marta Warelis (piano), Aaron Lumley (bass) Sakina Abdou (saxophone), David Bausseron (guitar), Peter Orins (drums)

July 1 Roze Tanker 20:00
€5 and €7,50 Reservation required via Roze Tanker
Featured musicians include the core group fresh from 3 days of playing together in Lille. Large ensembles, small ensembles, it’s wide open!

July 2 Zaal 100
17.00, 18.00 and 20.00 free
Zaal 100 will host a series of “open rehearsals” of material which will be presented on July 3.
– 17.00 Old Adam on Turtle Island
This is a project John Dikeman has been working on with the group Warelis, Rosaly, Lumley,  Dikeman. For this edition Peter Orins of Muzzix will fill the drum chair.
– 18.00 Oscar Jan Hoogland, Sakina Abdou, and David Bausseron
– 19.00 Dinner break
– 20.00 The music of Cor Fuhler
A large ensemble will work through compositions from the late Cor Fuhler, to be presented at the Oude Lutherse Kerk on July 3, which would have been Cor’s 57 birthday.

July 3 Oude Lutherse Kerk 15.00
Suggested donation of 10 euros. Reservations required, please contact
– Warelis, Orins, Lumely, Dikeman – Old Adam on Turtle Island
– Oscar Jan Hoogland, Sakina Abdou, and David Bausseron
– Large Ensemble plays the music of Cor Fuhler


Warelis, Rosaly, Lumley, Dikeman is partially supported by the Fonds Podiumkunsten program the Balcony Scenes as well as the Werkbijdragen muziekauteur which helped the commission of “Old Adam on Turtle Island”