Month: December 2020


The Impro Train: Blood Cloud & Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo CD presentation

December 11 – Bimhuis
Blood Cloud
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo


For the second edition of the Impro Train (which has actually become the first), we have a stellar line-up of Blood Cloud, a quintet led by Jasper Stadhouders that performed at this years Doek LIVE! festival, as well as the CD presentation of Goede Reis! by Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink.

Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
Goede Reis!

ICP 064

Although the incredible duo of Oscar Jan Hoogland and Han Bennink has existed for about a decade, Goede Reis!…

A Doek December – real live music

We have a number of shows happening in December. Things have changed recently, again, in the Netherlands, but it is still possible to perform live music in a safe and responsible way. Bear in mind, all these shows have audience limits so if you want to make it out, be sure to reserve in advance.


05 Sexy Planet IV w Meral Polat Trio, Wolter Wierbos solo, Michael Moore / Onno Govaert, Sanem Kalfa / George Dumitriu, Sexyland, Amsterdam
06 Dikeman, Glerum duo, Juniper Fields, The Church, Amsterdam
06 Bacchanalia, De Ruimte, Amsterdam
11 Impro Train w Blood Cloud and Han Bennink & Oscar Jan Hoogland, Bimhuis, Amsterdam
14 Onno Govaert Solo, Dikeman, Glerum duo, Huis de Pinto, Amsterdam
16 Blood Cloud, Paviljoen Ongehoorde Muziek, Eindhoven
17 Sexy Planet V w Jasper Stadhouders/Tristan Renfrow, ZivTaubenfeld/Nico Chientaroli/Wilbert de Joode/Sun-Mi Hong, Harmen Fraanje solo.…


Doek Workshop – Wolter Wierbos

Photo Peter Fey
December 19
Workshop 12.00 -14.30 and 15.30 – 18.00
“What We Did Today” performance 19:30

Doek is organizing a series of workshops in Splendor in Amsterdam. Doek musicians are renowned for their skills and experience in the field of improvised music. They are keen to share their knowledge with you!

Wolter Wierbos is world renowned as a trombonist but also as one of the greatest group improvisers/instant composers in the field. A longstanding member of the seminal ensemble ICP, his large ensemble experience also includes Bik Bent Braam, Sean Bergin’s M.O.B.,…


Doek Composes – Don’t Look by John Dikeman

Doek composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska.

Doek composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska.

“please sight read this piece.
Do not look at the following pages.
Print on double sided paper.
Ideally, you probably want to start playing
before turning this page.

This is the text on the cover page of the piece Don’t Look and it contains the only important instruction: don’t look at the material before you start recording it.…