Month: November 2020


Doek Workshop – Michael Moore

21 November 21
Workshop 12.00 -14.30 and 15.30 – 18.00
“What We Did Today” performance 19:30

Doek is organizing a series of workshops in Splendor in Amsterdam. Doek musicians are renowned for their skills and experience in the field of improvised music. They are keen to share their knowledge with you!

Michael: ‘For my contribution to the Doek improvisation workshop series I will concentrate on non-idiomatic improvisation. In order to play this music well, and to be aware of all the possibilities, the player needs a specific set of listening skills.…


Doek Composes – Passage by Kaja Draksler

Doek Composes for solo improvisers, a new and ongoing series on Doek RAW featuring original artwork by Lena Czerniawska

The second publication in this series on Doek RAW is composed by pianist Kaja Draksler. She wrote a piece called Passage. When we asked her to write a short text to accompany her composition, she created a poem by combining definitions from the Cambridge dictionary.


A way of escape.

The passage of time- the process of time going past.…

The Impro Train – Oscar Jan Hoolgand, Han Bennink Duo – Delayed

Concert has been cancelled due to new Coronavirus regulations
New date to be announced

Friday, November 6
The Bimhuis

Ada Rave solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
John Dikeman solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo
Ab Baars solo
Oscar Jan Hoogland, Han Bennink Duo

With full speed ahead, Bennink, Hoogland, Rave, Dikeman and Baars take you on the first Impro Train.

The Impro Train

Three different shows from the same band in one night. Three shows where the musicians pull out all the stops.…