Month: May 2020

Fresh off the press: Ada Rave Trio and Bacchanalia Orchestra

We’ve got two more titles on the quickly expanding Doek RAW page. More are in the works, so be sure to subscribe to our page!

Ada Rave Trio, Live at Kaleidophon Festival in Ulrichsberg
This fantastic trio of Ada Rave, Wilbert De Joode and Nicola Hein perform purely improvised music at the highest level. Fresh sounds from deep listeners!

Bacchanalia Orchestra live at Sociëteit SEXYLAND
The final performance of last years Doek festival, this concert was packed, both on stage and off.…


Kaja Draksler – La Mia Bocca

Kaja’s new mix has just dropped! Didn’t notice? Subscribe to our Mixcloud, then you’ll be informed instantly with every new mix.

La Mia Bocca

The mixtape features some of my favourite vocal music. There are pieces from the contemporary classical music repertoire, such as “XII”, from Psalms of Repentance, a beautiful mixed choir work by Alfred Schnittke- this is the last and the longest psalm, part of an hour long sequence. I included two of the Recitations for solo voice, an intriguing work by the Greek composer Georges Aperghis.


Mixcloud baby – It tastes fishy – michael moore

Doek is up on Mixcloud and we’re getting on with the groove of Michael Moore. He made this literal mixtape 20 years ago and had to transfer it from an old DAT.

Be sure to subscribe to the Doek Mixcloud channel as we’re going to keep bringing you great mixes from all the Doek artists as well as the occasional guest.…


New Wolter Wierbos and Jasper Stadhouders recordings

Bandcamp is offering to waive their fees on the first Friday of the month to help artists during the corona pandemic. We’re taking advantage of this offer to present to you two excellent recordings, available for the first time.

The VERY FIRST RADIO RECORDING OF WOLTER WIERBOS!!! is available for the first time since it aired in 1978. Duo Klei featuring Joep Maessan also features the only radio recording of Wolter on the baritone horn. A must have for collectors!
