Month: March 2018

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EDDIE AND THE EAGLES: Enough is Enough

March 31 – 22:00 – 05:00
The Bimhuis
€16 Regular, €13 CJP/Stadspas/Student

Eddie and the Eagles is back for our biggest edition so far. You’ve been there at OT301 and De Ruimte. It’s time to hit the elite stage and turn it inside out. Backwards. Bottom up. The Bimhuis is ours till 5 o’clock in the morning.”



PRACTICAL MUSIC! enter our ship through the engine room.
Oscar Jan Hoogland machines/ sirens/ recordplayers/ gokautomaat/ analogue synth/ electric clavichord/ real to real/ megaphones, Jasper Stadhouders guitar, Christian Lillinger drums

GO UP -> proceed, stay focused, tune in and get out.…


Cactus (Truck/Duo) + Ava Mendoza Tour

Cactus Truck is teaming up once again with guitar wizard Ava Mendoza to tour Europe this March. Ava brings a unique dirty virtuosity to the band that helps flesh out different aspects of the Cactus canon. As Vice said: “It’s… Ava Mendoza’s deconstructing of blues and punk into brutal shredfests that’s causing a ruckus in NYC’s DIY hubs”.
Unfortunately, Jasper Stadhouders had some previous engagements that will not allow him to join the last few dates of the tour. However, the bass chair will be more than covered for their performance at Freejazzfestival Saarbrücken by one Barry Guy.…

space is the place ft doek – march

March 9 – 21:00
De Ruimte
€8 Space is the Place ft. Doek, €6 Second Stop, €10 combined ticket

This night’s program is a very exciting one. First off a solo performance by that wonderful lyricist Michael Moore on sax and clarinet, followed by the Kaja Draksler Octet playing the music of Moondog, an influential American musician, composer, poet and inventor of several musical instruments. Listen to his music here.

At 23:00 it’s the Second Stop is Jupiter with dancing to live Turkish and cumbia music.…