Month: May 2016

doek festival 2016 a resounding success

The Doek ABC Festival is over. It was wonderful, thanks to the great musicians, dancers, venues, cooks, photographers, filmers, techies, volunteers, drivers and – last but certainly not least – thanks to all the people who turned out in great numbers to listen, watch and enjoy. We’ll be posting films, photos and more in the coming weeks, in the meantime here’s a few nice memories (photos by Beata Szparagowska).

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Photos of Day 4 by Beata Szparagowska.

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Musicians and public had a great day yesterday exploring new compositions by Jasper Stadhouders, Joshua Abrams, Michael Moore, Keefe Jackson and Matiss Cudars.

Today the Doekompose band, featuring festival musicians from Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago, is working on pieces by Lucio Tasca, Christian Lillinger, Mirko Montaldi, Kaja Draksler and Eric Boeren.
You can hear the results at 17:00 in the big room at Zaal 100.
Join us for dinner from 18:00 – 20:00 and then:
At 20:30
ABC 5tet – special festival line-up
Kaja Draksler piano, John Dikeman tenor sax, Jeb Bishop trombone, Antonio Borghini bass.…