Month: November 2015

big fun in the big town – doek @ zaal

Big Fun in the Big TownSunday 29 November
Zaal 100
20:00 Free!
The last edition of DOEK@Zaal100 for this year focuses on the community around the various creative musical approaches within the Amsterdam music scene and introduces a website project tightly connected to this scene.
With the participation of several curators and organisers from the scene the evening begins with short self-introductions and discussion sessions with focus on the working mechanisms, changes and developments within the community.
We’ll then show Big Fun in the Big Town, a great film about another music scene – the hip hop scene in New York in the mid 80s.…

Dates Doek Festival 2016

Friday 29 April – Wednesday 4 May
Next year’s Doek festival will present bands and musicians who typify the flourishing improv scenes in Amsterdam, Berlin and Chicago. It will be an action packed six days with music, film and dance all over town. Put in it your diary, take a week off work, book your flights, do whatever you need to do – but be sure to come and join us!…