Year: 2014

Oscar Jan Hoogland plays Angels’ Share

pianofallingThis Saturday afternoon, August 16, we have Oscar Jan Hoogland performing mobile piano at Westerpark as part of the ongoing Herbert Nouwens sculpture exhibition. Oscar is known for his ability to turn one of the most stationary instruments in western music into something surprisingly portable, as can be witnessed in his Bakfietsband (which will be playing the closing event for the exhibition). How he will deal with this challenge, we don’t know… But it’s sure to be highly inventive musically and logistically and how often do those two coincide?…

Jooklo Duo & Wierbos, Dikeman, Glerum, Østvang – August 14 @ De Ruimte

Thursday August 14 21:00
De Ruimte, Buiksloterdijk 270, Amsterdam Noord

jooklo-duoJooklo Duo (IT)
Virginia Genta – saxophones
David Vanzan – drums

Wolter Wierbos – trombone
John Dikeman – saxophone
Ernst Glerum – bass
Tollef Østvang – drums

Tollef Ostvang is dropping in to Amsterdam for a couple days so we’ve put together a show featuring him with Doek musicians Wolter Wierbos and John Dikeman plus ICP bassist (among numerous other projects) Ernst Glerum. Tollef has performed in Amsterdam many times previously including with Universal Indians featuring Joe McPhee as well as the Available Jelly Big Band at Doek Festival #11.…


Ada Rave plays Angels’ Share

Ada RaveAda Rave is next up to perform solo as part of Herbert Nouwens’ exhibition, Angels’ Share, in Westerpark on August 9. Ada will begin at 17:00 in front of the twin sculpture Angels’ Share which stands just west of Pacific Parc.

Ada Rave, originally from Argentina, moved to Amsterdam just over a year ago and immediately integrated into the improvised music community. Performing regularly throughout town, her saxophone playing shows a wealth of knowledge and technique ranging from a deep understanding of traditional jazz harmony as well as a variety of extended techniques all showcasing a beautiful, warm tone that can easily shift from the delicate to the robust.…

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Wilbert de Joode – solo in your backyard*

Wilbert de JoodeThis Saturday 23 August, Wilbert de Joode will be performing solo in Westerpark as part of the series of musical performances interacting with the excellent sculpture exhibition of Herbert Nouwens’ – Angels’ Share. If you’ve been following these performances you’ve seen everything from Available Jelly performing their repertoire with guest bass saxophonist Jan Klare, pianist Oscar Jan Hoogland dropping a piano on the concrete (I believe it’s still there) and hacking away at its innards with forks and numb-chucks, to Michael Vatcher enticing his audience to play along with numerous bits of percussion thrown here and there or even a completely soaked John Dikeman squealing on his mouthpiece while biking through the park for an audience of no-one (I guess you didn’t see that one).…

Michael Moore feat. Wolter Wierbos, Wilbert de Joode and Michael Vatcher – August 22 – Bimhuis @ Felix &Foam

MichaelfelixfoamAugust 22, 21:30
Felix &Foam, Keizersgracht 324, Amsterdam

Michael Moore – saxophone, clarinet
Wolter Wierbos – trombone
Wilbert de Joode – bass
Michael Vatcher – drums

During the summer, the Bimhuis is hosting a series of concerts at Felix &Foam, a temporary art space in the grand Felix Meritis building. They have invited Michael Moore to present en evening and he has chosen this newly formed quartet which includes a unique selection of celebrities from the Dutch improv school. Total mavericks who dare to turn their instruments upside down and inside out, take them apart and put them back together in a completely authentic way.…


Doek @ Vondelpark/bunker – July 27 hosted by John Dikeman

Reife_und_grüne_Bhut_JolokiaBBQ @ Vondelpark 15:00
Fresh meat courtesy of Nicolas Chienteroli, Ada Rave and Mark Morse
And featuring the worlds hottest chilli: The Bhut Jolokia

Music @ Vondelbunker 21:00
Donné et Desirée
Dead Neanderthals
Dagora featuring Phil Wood

For the July edition of Doek @ XYZ we will be enjoying the summer sun in Vondelpark for an afternoon bbq followed by three amazing live acts at the Vondelbunker.

For the BBQ we have asked Argentinian power-couple Nicolas Chienteroli and Ada Rave to slow cook some meat in the proper Argentinian fashion.…