Month: November 2014

Michael Moore celebrates his 60th birth year with his bigtet

slide-michael-mooreMichael Moore celebrates his 60th birth year with his nine-piece band. ‘Less is more: this clarinet and alto player can do surprisingly many things with few notes’ (Vrij Nederland).

November 28 @ Bimhuis 20:30 hr
November 29 @ De Singer 20:30 hr
November 30 @ Grand Theatre Groningen 16:00 hr
December 1 @ Cafe Wilhelmina 21:00 hr

Michael Moore altsax/klarinet, Giuseppe Doronzo baritonsax, Eric Boeren cornet, Wolter Wierbos trombone,
Jorrit Westerhof gitaar, Arjen Gorter – bass Kaja Draksler piano, Michael Vatcher drums

Alto sax and clarinet player Michael Moore is renowned internationally for his beautiful tone and his rich musical imagination.…

All Ellington @ Bimhuis 20 November

As part of Saxophone festival Sax 14 we proudly present in the Bimhuis ALL ELLINGTON:

Michael Moore altsax, Natalio Sued tenorsax, Christian Ferlaino baritonsax, Jodi Gilbert zang, Eric Boeren cornet, Jimmy Sernesky trompet, Joost Buis trombone, Wilbert de Joode bas, Oscar Jan Hoogland piano, Michael Vatcher drums

Lot’s of new repertoir from the The Far East Suite!
All Ellington
Beroemde en veel minder bekende composities van pianist en bandleider Duke Ellington worden nieuw leven ingeblazen door een hedendaags orkest vol meesterlijk improviserende musici.…


Doek @ Felix, Sunday November 23

Felix MeritisSunday November 23
Felix Meritis Keizersgracht 324
8:30 PM – €10 for pre-order €14 at the door

Kaja Draksler piano, Ada Rave saxophone, Wilbert de Joode bass
John Dikeman saxophone solo
Available Jelly Michael Moore – saxophone, Eric Boeren – cornet, Wolter Wierbos – trombone, Arjen Gorter – bass, Michael Vatcher – drums

Doek has been given a unique chance to present an evening at the beautiful Felix Meritis and we’ve jumped at the opportunity to showcase three ensembles that highlight different aspects of Doek’s music.…