Michael Moore celebrates his 60th birth year with his bigtet
Michael Moore celebrates his 60th birth year with his nine-piece band. ‘Less is more: this clarinet and alto player can do surprisingly many things with few notes’ (Vrij Nederland).
November 28 @ Bimhuis 20:30 hr
November 29 @ De Singer 20:30 hr
November 30 @ Grand Theatre Groningen 16:00 hr
December 1 @ Cafe Wilhelmina 21:00 hr
Michael Moore altsax/klarinet, Giuseppe Doronzo baritonsax, Eric Boeren cornet, Wolter Wierbos trombone,
Jorrit Westerhof gitaar, Arjen Gorter – bass Kaja Draksler piano, Michael Vatcher drums
Alto sax and clarinet player Michael Moore is renowned internationally for his beautiful tone and his rich musical imagination.…