Month: May 2014

Eddie & the Eagles Sun Ra!

Eddie & the Eagles: Sun Ra!


OT301 – 21:00 uur / €8 On the third night of the Doek Festival we bring you souvenirs from Saturn and other cosmic surprises, with:
SUN SEVEN Joost Buis trombone, André Goudbeek aalto sax, Tobias Delius tenorsax/clarinet, Oscar Jan Hoogland piano/clavichord Hugo Antunes bass, Michael Vatcher drums
Keyboard player, composer and bandleader Sun Ra named himself after the Egyptian sun god. Rumor has it that when he died Ra went back to Saturn, but his cosmic afro-futurist philosophy lives on here on earth, embodied in the persons of trombonist Joost Buis and saxophonist André Goudbeek, however unlikely that may seem.…